Proleter and Gramatik: Free and Beautiful
With everybody sporting high power computers and USB MIDI controllers everybody wants to be a musician these days, myself included. Many people try and sell what they produce regardless of the quality while others produce superb music and release it for free. I am a strong advocate for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) but I am also a supporter or free music. With pop music being stuck in a rut for the most part, finding good music has become harder. Fortunately the internet allows us to rapidly find a large variety of music that suits our needs. Over the years I have used several different sites to find free or creative commons music. Soundcloud and Jamendo have been my main sites for such purposes. There is a lot of terrible music on both platforms but once you know how to look it becomes apparent that there is a lot of beautiful music available. Throughout my digging I have found a few artist that continue to impress me to this day and they are Proleter, Gramatik and Profes...