Python: My Anaconda Don't Want None
Some people last week were messaging me about what IDE and setup I was using for programming Python and so I thought I would discuss what I have been doing. Python may be really easy to learn but it can be very tricky to configure everything properly. The vanilla installation Python is pretty simple to use. You can simply write a text file and run it from a terminal. Sadly things start to get a little hairy when you are trying to use many different libraries and can't easily get them installed. You can try installing and managing all packages manually but why not let the work be offloaded to a great piece of software. Enter Anaconda. I discovered Anaconda completely by accident. I was going to manage libraries by myself but after struggling to install all the required software I saw mention of it on a forum. Rarely am I this pleased on an impulse install. Anaconda allowed me to have complete control over my Python and library versions and allowed me to quickly switch b...