Proleter and Gramatik: Free and Beautiful

With everybody sporting high power computers and USB MIDI controllers everybody wants to be a musician these days, myself included. Many people try and sell what they produce regardless of the quality while others produce superb music and release it for free.

I am a strong advocate for Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) but I am also a supporter or free music. With pop music being stuck in a rut for the most part, finding good music has become harder. Fortunately the internet allows us to rapidly find a large variety of music that suits our needs.

Over the years I have used several different sites to find free or creative commons music. Soundcloud and Jamendo have been my main sites for such purposes. There is a lot of terrible music on both platforms but once you know how to look it becomes apparent that there is a lot of beautiful music available.

Throughout my digging I have found a few artist that continue to impress me to this day and they are Proleter, Gramatik and Professor Kliq. Each has a unique sound but all are pleasing to listen to (at least for me...).

Professor Kliq

Professor Kliq is sadly my least favorite of the three but I encountered him first. Even though he isn't my favorite he is still fantastic. His music is quite quirky but great for exercising to (check out his album Curriculum Vitae here). Some of his albums are much more mellow and low key like The Teragraph EP which you can get here.


Gramatik is a staple in my everyday listening. I like almost every single song that this guy has produced. Even better yet he gives it all away for free. His entire discography is available for download for free from his website which you can get here. Gramatik can really vary from song to song so you will just have to find what you like. My favorite album as of now is Beatz & Pieces Vol. 1 or Age of Reason.


I love jazz, I love electronic music. Therefore I love ProleteR. Even if you don't really like any specific component of the music there is so much good that is hard to not find yourself bobbing along to the music. This is the artist that got me interested in electroswing. Just listen to it. ALL OF IT.

Jazz, electronic music and rap. What isn't there to love about this track? There are instrumentals, rap, jazz, covers, take your pick!


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