Ongoing Linux Cheatsheet
Reference For Me, Reference For You?
I often find myself using certain commands on semi-regular basis. Not regular enough to remember but enough to know what I am looking for. This is my list of snippets that others might find useful. I will do my best to update this from time to time.On a side note, I primarily use Ubuntu 18.04 (20.04 upgrade will likely happen when it comes out). I occasionally use distros other than Ubuntu but they are typically Debian based.
Variables that you want to alter will be denoted as $VAR_NAME.
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Photo by Kevin Horvat on Unsplash
Connecting To Wifi Using CLI
- This uses the command line version of NetworkManager (nmcli)- Obviously you need to know your network name and password
- Determine your network interface with 'nmcli device status'. Four columns will be displayed. Find wifi in the Type column and then the associated Device name is the interface name.
nmcli d wifi connect $NAME password $PASSWORD iface $INTERFACECreate Network Name Space And Move Device Into It
- Move a device into a network interface and get an IP lease.- Network namespaces can be used to group or sandbox network devices. Docker containers use network namespaces for isolation.
- Once devices are in network namespaces you can access them using
ip netns exec $NET_NS $COMMAND
# create network namespacesudo ip netns add $NET_NS
# move move network interface into created ns
sudo ip link set dev $INTERFACE
# bring interface up
sudo ip netns exec $NET_NS ip link set dev $INTERFACE up
# get IP lease
sudo ip netns exec $NET_NS dhclient $INTERFACE
Get Docker Container ID and PID
- For some networking black magic there is a need to know container information. I normally use this in a script so I will be storing the results as bash variables.- container_name is the plain, user assigned name of the container, maybe db_server or python_box, etc
container_id=$(docker ps -aqf "name=container_name")container_pid = $(docker inspect --format '{{ .State.Pid }}' "container_name")
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